Quiz Night 2024
On the 13th of March, WiHN Otago hosted our first event of 2024 – WiHN Otago’s very first Quiz Night! 🥳
We had an amazing turnout with over 70 attendees, and the Hunter Centre room was filled with smiles and laughs as attendees put on their thinking caps and answered questions from categories such as Geography, Literature, Food, Sports, and Science. 🌎📚🍕⚽🧬
Over 12 groups were formed, all with fun and unique team names. As the night came to a halt, and the “Get to Know WiHN” section was individually scored, we came to a tie, and a tiebreaker question was needed: “As of March 13, how many members are there in the Otago Branch of WiHN?” – the answer? An impressive 253 members!
This event reflects our dedication to networking with wāhine in health by providing a platform for fun interaction. We are eternally grateful for our Sponsors New World Gardens, Del Sol, and Rialto Cinemas, for contributing to prizes for the winning teams. 💖
As one of the most successful events for WiHN Otago to date, we have such appreciation for the hardworking executive team, and the enthusiasm from the attendees. This may have been WiHN Otago’s first Quiz Night, but it certainly will not be the last! 🤩