Become a 2024 WiHN Sponsor today
Whether you are an organisation, company, or individual, there are many ways you can support us. This could include:
Financial sponsorship
Company merchandise
Service provision
Guest speakers
Through sponsorship you would be part of a fast growing organisation that will impact the lives of hundreds of young women as they endeavour to lead successful careers and overcome societal barriers. You will be seen as participating in the movement towards gender equity in the health sector and beyond; where women are seen, treated, and paid as equals.
Please get in touch with us at to discuss how you would like to support us through our sponsorship tiers or any other partnership opportunities.
Not ready for that kind of commitment?
We’ve got you covered. You can still support us here at WiHN with a donation via internet banking.
Account Number: 06-0193-0970563-00
Please include your name as a reference, and send us an email at upon finalisation of your donation. This way we can thank you personally.
Pohutukawa Partner 2024
Kōwhai Partners 2024
Supporting Partners 2024
Queen Street